Katrena Hart is a Licensed Professional Counselor (LPC) in private practice in Allen, Texas. She is a Certified Bioenergetic Therapist (CBT), and serves on the board for the Dallas Society of Bioenergetic Analysis. She is trained in Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing, EMDR. She is a Certified Psychodramatist (CP), and is a trained mediator. She is a Trainer Educator Practitioner (TEP) of Psychodrama allowing her to give hours of psychodrama training towards certification by the American Board of Examiners of Psychodrama. She is also a supervisor for LPC interns.
Katrena is an expert in the treatment of domestic violence issues with teens and adults. She also has expertise in treating chemical dependency and behavioral issues with teens and adults. In addition, she has experience in treating depression, phobias, anxiety, and dissociative disorders with all ages. She has found a passion in working with couples to enhance the intimacy and integrity of their relationships. She draws upon her varied counseling experiences when doing workshops for personal growth and teaching in the community.
She also enjoys sharing what has been shared with her by being a supervisor for LPC interns. She teaches to many agencies and academic universities about psychodrama and bioenergetics. For more information on becoming a supervisee contact Katrena via telephone, email, or visit www.bridgingharts.com
Katrena graduated with honors at University of Texas at Dallas with a BA in Psychology. She graduated, also with honors, from Texas Woman's University with an MS in Counseling and Development.
To make an appointment with Katrena, please call 972-562-5002, or email at katrena_hart@hotmail.com.
Katrena is available to see Adults, Couples, and Adolescents.